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  • love, piracy, and the office of religious weblog expansion, 2009 Mixed media (performance, installation, online project, artists’ book) Text based on an interview with Ali Alizadeh by Mukul Patel, February 2008
  • Camerino, Andrea Andypop. L´avanguardismo elettronico dei Kraftwerk (Online Journal) (2006).
  • Maciej Wisniewski is an internationally respected digital artist and pioneer in network art. His art projects: netomat (1999), 4 Stories With a Twist (2004), 3 Seconds in the Memory the Internet (2002), Instant Places (2002), Streaming Conscience
  • Maite Cajaraville combines her artistic career with curator commissions since 1993. She is a media and video artist and AV performer whose creations have been exhibited in festivals and events such as the Venice Biennale, Sónar Festival of Advanced
  • "make-A-move" is a site-specific, responsive, screen-based installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, software design, and physical interaction. Two automated portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the
  • MAP = Media Arts Plaza is the official site which supports creative activities and development of media arts. Starting with an offering for subscriptions, announcement of award-winning works, information about exhibition of award-winning works,
  • Marchtowar -
    Online gambling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US invasion of Iraq would begin. The winner was paid in pre-paid gasoline cards, all proceeds went to
  • Mario Santamaría is a visual artist who works across a wide range of media, frequently using photography, video, performance, websites and online interventions. In recent years his work seeks to embody protocols and processes of information
  • Martina Menegon (she/her - Italy, 1988) is a digital artist, curator, and educator based in Vienna. She is Senior Artist and Lecturer in the Transmedia Art department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, where she teaches "Digital Design and
  • Known for her theories on playculture, activist design, and critical play, Mary Flanagan has achieved international acclaim for her novel interdisciplinary work, her commitment to both theory and practice, and her ongoing pioneering contributions to