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  • MicroCosm -
    A journey into the cosmos, into open endless space, has always attracted scientists and dreamers. Gigantic stars, the milky way, galaxies thousands of light years away surround the earth, and we humans can be imagined as small elementary particles
  • Source of Energy -
    Kombucha SCOBY (a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) is an incredible creature. There are many different myths and legends about this. Even one concerns its extraterrestrial origin. Kombucha is also unique in that it cannot be accurately
  • Chronoscape -
    The totem consists of a clock mechanism, a monitor, and hidden video camera. It is a symbolic representation or embodiment of the concept of time and serves as a reminder of its flow, the impermanence of life or the cyclical nature of existence.
  • ARTEC 97
    The theme concept of the Biennale is 'THE GARDEN: The Successors to Eden', the Biennale proposed the idea of a 'meta-garden': the environment of the near future and unconscious landscapes concealed in close and familiar spaces. The main contents of
  • “The Ten Commandments was renowned for the massive set constructed in California's Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes -- some pieces stood over 30 metres tall. Worried that rival film studios might use the facsimiles of an ancient palace, massive Pharaoh
  • Ellen Pearlman, Andrew Demirjian, Heidi Boisvert, Cassini Nazir, “Creative Work and Well Being”,
  • "This artwork explores the use of algorithm design applied to social structures. These diagrams propose the idea of planning societal organization like building algorithmic software, which can be fixed and optimized to improve performance and
  • War zones are as instructive as they are destructive. Since Vietnam, they have beautifully illustrated the contradiction between capitalism and democracy. They teach the lesson that (false) democracy is an alibi for the good intentions of capitalist
  • Terzopoullos, Demetri and Xiaoyuan Tu and Radek Grzeszcuk. Artificial Fishes: Autonomous Locomotion, Perception, Behaviour, and Learning in a Simulated Physical World. Artificial Life 1, no. 4 (Summer 1994): 327-351.
  • ... . SAT . MONTREAL . CANADA [Presentation] ...