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  • Adsum -
    Adsum is a cubic glass sculpture inside of which letters are laser engraved. The letters are positioned one in front of the other, thus forming a spatial poem inside the solid glass cube that can be read in any direction. 'Adsum' means “I am here”
  • “On the Road”, consists of twelve lenticular panels that explore the cinematic narrative potential of the photographic image in non-electronic form. The exhibition’s title “On The Road” makes reference to the defining work of the Beat Generation’s
  • Refraction
    "Refraction" explores the cinematic narrative of the photographic image in a non-electronic form, the lenticular medium, a process in which two or more images can be seen sequentially simply through the changing of the observer’s viewing
  • We are always in partnership with someone or something. The issue is what we are explicit about; who, what we collaborate with. For more than 25 years Patrick Lichty has created work about mediation, networked society, and how that process of
  • Chronoscape -
    The totem consists of a clock mechanism, a monitor, and hidden video camera. It is a symbolic representation or embodiment of the concept of time and serves as a reminder of its flow, the impermanence of life or the cyclical nature of existence.
  • recombinant -
    Event: recombinantInstitution: Maison de la Culture FrontenacComment:
  • Multiplicity N°19 -
    These manually created photomontages were created as the basis for an op-art style silkscreen series and its further development as a kinetic object. A black square. Lines without a vanishing point, 119 in number. Phases of a self-portrait. Light
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Redefinindo fronteiras da arte contemporânea: passado, presente e desafios da arte, ciência e tecnologia na história da arte In Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia: passado, presente e desafios, edited by DIANA MARIA G DOMINGUESSão
  • recombinant -
    Event: recombinantInstitution: Maison de la Culture FrontenacComment:
  • recombinant -
    Event: recombinantInstitution: Maison de la Culture FrontenacComment: