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  • Kyong Chun, Wendy Hui. On Sourcery and Daemons, or Code as Fetish Configurations: the Journal of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts , no. 16 (2008): 299-324.
  • Kyong Chun, Wendy Hui. Human-Mediated-Communications In Reality/Simulacra/Artificial: Ontologies of Postmodernity, edited by Enrique LarrettaRio de Janeiro: Universidade Candido Mendes, 2003.
  • Professor of modern culture and media, professor of history of art and architecture.
  • 2016 “Digital Attraction International Contemporary Art Exhibition”, Fu-Chung 15, New Taipei, Taiwan
  • Krämer, Harald; Howe, Daniel; Chung, Kyle, ed. Elke Reinhuber: Face Value in CULTURAL R>EVOLUTION, ISEA 2016 Catalogue, p.238-241. Hong Kong: School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, 2016.
  • Artist: Saehae ChungComment:
  • The Council for the International Biennale in Nagoya. ARTEC '89: the possibility for art and technology. Nagoya: The Chunichi Shimbun, 1989.
  • Badani, Pat. Radical Reordering: Bit-size Chunks in the Al Grano Project ISEA2015 Proceedings: Bio-Art Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium of Electronic Art, no. ISSN: 2451-8611 / ISBN: 978-1-910172-00-1 (August 2015).
  • Virtual Orchestra -
    "In a room with large-screen walls, where animated virtual players hold different musical instruments, the visitor, wearing data gloves, conducts a musical performance, leading the tempo with one hand and, with the other, directing aspects of the
  • The animation Global Vulva connects female figures and vulva symbols from different times, countries and cultures, while they morph into each other - the cultural meaning of the female genital becomes visible again. You'll see paleolithic