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  • Chronotopia is a dance theater re-imagining of the one of the oldest Indian epic poems: the Tamil epic Silappatikaram. Attakkalari's multi-media dance production is an episodical journey, which explores the movement of five performers through a
  • Chromatic Shifts is a dynamic light installation that explores perceptual changes of shape at a cognitive level. Rhythmic pulses of color illuminate ambiguous and “impossible” shapes as they appear to shift between two and three dimensions.
  • A chromatic clock that translates time into colors using 4 sine functions: one for each RGB color + black.
  • Jaron Lanier, the musician and scientist who coined the term "Virtual Reality" brings the two worlds of his life, music and technology, together in a revolutionary new form of live performance. Jaron's group, Chromatophoria, combines deep use
  • WRINGER/WASHER TV is a pink, white and chrome wringer washer which has a colour monitor fitted in the bottom of the wash tub facing up. This installation deals with the issue of abortion in Canada, interspersing opinions and arguments with video
  • keywords: bioart, genome, finger, soundart, genetics, synthetic voice, DNA – Sequence alignment, chromosome 1, DNA, Nucleotides, adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T), DNA-Bases Description: Human Genome re-Activation on-line live
  • Nucleart -
    "During my residency at the laboratory of Dr. Ana Pombo at the Imperial College London, I have created artworks using DNA and chromosomes as an art medium. In “nucleArt” I have used DNA molecules coupled to fluorescent dyes to paint specifically
  • THE MEDUSA PROJECT (AUTOBIOGRAPHY) refers to the relationship between women and power as depicted in both ancient mythology, and in postmodern culture. It represents my attempt to directly merge personal history and influences into the production of
  • A simple kinetic machine. the pages flip over continually. The red text reads: "These cloud capped towers, these gorgeous palaces..." (From the Prospero's epilogue, The Tempest, Wiliam Shakespeare.)
  • In an information-oriented society, the encoding of individual information occurs immediately, almost as fast as the satisfaction of a desire. Our consumption habits, our criminal history, our chronic diseases, even our photographs taken by a