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  • Moya Land -
    Moya LandArtist: Patrick MoyaComment:
  • KALEIDOSKOP functions as a very large and completely walkable lightbox. On its surface float in separate layers inks in cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY). But these colors what we see are not there, they do not exist outside of our head, they are
  • A hybrid form of landscape cinema capturing the year of an unnamed hollow way that forms the stream bed for several springs in a remote area of rural mid-Devon, Britain. Made in collaboration with the cinematographer and sound recordist Stuart
  • "The Real, the Virtual and the We, (re-activating Lygia Clark's The I and the You: Clothing/Body/Clothing, 1967"Artist: Gabriela Aceves SepúlvedaComment:
  • Marcello Mercado Self-portrait 2005 Documentation of on-line performance/ Biographie 16:9, 7min. 17", Farbe, stereo, 2005
  • Objects / In A Network Of Tangled-Up / Porous Graduation-System / Every Fragment / Lighted Up +- 5 Grade-Centigrade / Lights Options / Space Sterilized / In Ethylene Oxide Chambers/ Immediate
  • transferring, storing, sharing, and hybriding: Text_version, 2011 The digital-information-storage inheritance of generations and nations: I have considered all the possible scenarios of events as large databases and reality as a process of
  • GLITCHES_DIARIES of PURE_DESKTOP The installation explore the visual representation of data: I was capturing screenshots of my desktop´s activities during 6 months. The obtained images were manipulated with algorithms and recaptured in order to
  • Supermassive - video
    Real time manipulation in virtual spaces.
  • Marcello Mercado Live streamings from Dolmens, 2011 HD single channel video, 17min 35sec stereo 16:9 black/white/colour DNA-performance-installation- soundart (LIVE) 19/06/11 14:17 PM Dolmen2: 54° 44´23.99" N 11° 47´23.36" E elev. 4m