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  • O`Donoghue, Karl. Virtual Ecology: The Work of Char Davies In Thought Lines 3: An Anthology of Research, edited by Paul O´Brien, 284-294. Dublin: National College of Art and Design, 1999.
  • Huang, Jeffrey and Thomas Schroepfer. Internet and Architecture: Explorations in Emerging Architectural / Typologies and Design Processes , 1-12. Pomona, California: 2002.
  • ... Shaw. Graduated from the Media Studies at...
  • Chris O’Shea is an artist and experience designer. He creates installations that playfully challenge our perception of spaces and objects. He has been commissioned by BBC Big Screen, Design Museum and Science Gallery, Dublin, and has collaborated
  • I am a New Zealander based in Berlin. I've been active in the critical intersection of art and technology since 1998. My projects and the occassional paper have been presented at many museums, international electronic-art events and conferences,
  • ... Phi Beta Kappa from UC Berkeley in 1981,...
  • Biografie Leo Peschta 18th june 1978, in Wien geboren lebt und arbeitet in Wien 2008 Robots' Choice Award, Art-Bots Dublin since 2008 working for RCSI, (Research Center for Shared Incompetence) 2003-2004 Heinrich-Klotz
  • PLANCTON was founded in the 1994 by a group of three artists (Annunziato, Pierucci and Gemma de Julio) and started the activities with a series of artworks and experiments on expressive languages based on the fusion of different media (video, music,
  • Reaney, Mark. Virtual Scenography: The Actor/Audience/Computer Interface Theatre Design and Technology 32, no. 1 (Winter 1996): 36-43.
  • Reaney, Mark. The Theatre of Virtual Reality Theatre Design and Technology XXIX, no. 2 (Spring 1992): 29-32.