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  • Mirrors: the Real and the Virtual, an information display about the project on view at the NASA-Goddard Research Center in Greenbelt, MD, where the project was developed in collaboration with optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005.
  • ... sounds, which echo the unpredictable fluctuations of the earth's movement. (source:...
  • Digital video 4 mins 20 secs colour, stereo sound by Jon Rose Inspired by the book of the same title by Gustave Flaubert. Here Anthony is every one of us, the temptation our capacity to change the world and reshape it, through technology, in
  • ... a film from the producers of the Peabody-Award winning Art in the Twenty-First Century television series. The film gives...
  • All you can see -
    ... own sake. Theories that have been known for a long time from art history about the end of painting find their way into digital...
  • London Dig
    ... in which the work is located, Allen and Overy's world headquarters in Spitalfields, City of London. The site of the building is an...
  • Torso
    A work using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The piece used two live computed image sources for two of the monitors, one prerecorded computer animated sequence and two live video feeds from surveilance camera's installed in the space. A
  • Pandaemonium -
    Digital video 4 mins 38 secs colour, stereo sound by Ernst Oosterveld Inspired by Milton's "Paradise Lost". The video explores images and evocations of how the human race has reshaped its environment, often to its and the world's detriment
  • ... sited immersive interactive installation composed of two parts. The first part is encountered on entering the subterranean area...
  • reWrite
    ...The focus of an artwork such as reWrite is identity. The work addresses this theme through the use of interactive systems, where the...