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  • Pulse Tank -
    ...Pulse Tank is an Interactive installation where the heart rates of members of the public are detected by sensors and converted into water waves...
  • A -
    date | place APR 26 - JUN 18, 2000 Hayward Gellery, London, UK tech spec speaker HHB Circle 5 8 power amplifier non-specific 4 8ch HD playback system AKAI DR8 1 white wall non-specific 2 white
  • ...The museum is redesigning part of its exhibition space, Science Storms, a major new section , opens 18 March 2010. My work, String Waves,...
  • Subtitled Public -
    Subtitled Public consists of an empty exhibition space where visitors are detected by a computerised surveillance system. When people enter the space, the system generates a subtitle for each person and projects it onto him or her: the subtitle is
  • Surface Tension -
    ... troupe. Since then, Surface Tension has been presented as an art installation, typically on a plasma screen. (Photos by...
  • Synaptic Caguamas -
    ...Synaptic Caguamas is a kinetic sculpture consisting of a motorized Mexican “cantina” bar table with 30 “Caguama”-sized beer bottles (1-litre...
  • Kopernicus Center -
    Warsaw 2010. Brand new science centre opening in Warsaw, autumn 2010. The first science centre to open in Eastern Europe. Computer rendering: triple installation.
  • There Is No Business -
    ...TITLE: There is no business ARTIST: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer WORK DATE: 2009 CATEGORY: Installations MATERIALS: Installation néon, métal,...
  • ... abstract and sometimes recognisable. • Each tree is a kinetic sculpture rising up from the ground and suspended from above. The... the full height of the space. • The whole area is dark apart from the projections. Walls and ceiling painted black and black...
  • Fortune 500 Cookies are gold wafers of silicon that have been discovered in San Jose and are said to be propagating from Silicon Valley to around the world. Their peculiar appearance, unusual for fortune cookies, indicates they are derived from the