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  • On what the temporal understanding of space and the play of memory
  • On what is data/metadata?
  • ...On the "convergence" of technology in industry and the possibility of "divergence" of technology in new media art
  • ...Part 5: On the relation between new media artist, industry and open source
  • Emotion Ringtones -
    Emotion Vending Machine looks like a beverage vending machine, where users can select a range of emotions, shaped as dynamic cards, updated in real-time with web data. Users select three from a list of nine emotions, such as “fear”, “joy” or
  • Windows Media Player software, with graphic sound transformation function. An extract from a video gleaned on the Internet, with only the sound on. Video extracts of pornographic films projected non-stop. The software gives infinite possibilities
  • Falling pixels -
    It is difficult to watch a man falling from the world trade centre without attempting to track down evidence of something between the indescribable and the unthinkable. Beyond the symbolism of the event, the instant touches on another of our fears.
  • The Art Collider -
    ... creation and exhibition. IN/OUT is one of the CITU’s research axes aiming at creating a collaborative approach of media art creation through an experimental system of “Peer-to-Peer” production. The concept resides in the idea that artist could be part...
  • Epidémie -
    ... de la menace de la taille du danger. Il a fallu du temps pour que le microbe soit pris en compte par les individus. Le parti ici est de jouer la transparence. Celle qui semble dévoiler l’ensemble mais qui laisse libre cours à la superposition des...
  • DECONversation -
    ... presents an evening's dialogue between Maurice Benayoun, an internationally recognized interactive virtual reality artist and public intellectual in the area of new media and technology, and Professor Steve Mann, the acclaimed inventor of the...