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  • Kusch, Martin and Ruth Schnell. Fulldome / VR & AR Lab - University Infrastructure Environment In Ars Electronica 2020 - Festival for Art, Technology and Society, edited by Hannes Leopoldseder and Christine Schöpf and A. Wöran, 202-204. Berlin:
  • On a large white platform, the artist has arranged the typical Christmas scenario of his parents’ home: the family members, furniture and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations, presents, and letters from family members. The annual
  • in cooperation with various sound artists: Peter Szely, Christof Cargnelli, Electric Indigo --- Resembling a flaneur in an unknown city the bot moves through a "ludic 3D environment" - moved by the hand of the player - robbed of his identity which
  • Peter Flemming Curriculum vitae, March 2010 all locations Canada, unless otherwise mentioned Artist statement I see what I make as the electromechanical equivalents of short stories. Instead of
  • Klotz, Heinrich and Wolfgang Lorenz and Christof Schmid, ed. Internationaler Videokunstpreis 1995. 1995 th ed.Karlsruhe, Germany: ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, 1995.
  • 400s -
    henrik menné 400s, 2010 Stearin, iron, wood, various electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts Courtesy: Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhague this machine-sculpture is specially made for the exhibition and
  • Dinkla, Söke and Christoph Brockhaus. Connected Cities: Kunstprozesse im Urbanen Netz. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2000.
  • Museen der Stadt Dortmund, ed. Kunst Medien Interaktion auf der Zeche Zollern II/IV Dortmund. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 2000.
  • Weibel, Peter. Wirklichkeitsdiffusion. Wirklichkeitserfahrungen in der Kunst zwischen hyperreal und hypermedial In Hypermental. Wahnhafte Wirklichkeit 1950 - 2000 von Salvador Dali bis Jeff Koons, edited by Bice Curiger and Christoph Heinrich,
  • Blase, Christoph and Margaret Morse. Hardware, Software, ARTwear. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1998.