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  • 'Divination: A Romantic Mutiny in a Maelstrom of Data' by Nancy Mauro-Flude. Produced by Contemporary Art Tasmania. The maiden voyage performance of Pyrate Queen and her crew, set sail for the duration of Dark Mofo 10–19 June 2016. Toured in 2017
  • Thiessen, Kirsten. Glocal Visions Surrey North Delta Leader (September 2008).
  • Event: Brain Factory Prototype DeltaInstitution: Art Center NabiComment:
  • Unending Closure -
    The events that have unfolded since the turn of the century, in addition to the unending technological parade of innovation and the bloating of Media influence over the world has yielded not a people that enjoy Sunday afternoon picnics on the moon,
  • Born in Washington, DC. Lives and works in Baitz and Berlin/Germany. Since 1990 director and founder of a Berlin-based art group called Die Audio Gruppe. Mostly known for incorporating loudspeakers into clothes, like ballerina tutus (AUDIO
  • Nemo Observatorium -
    Styrofoam beads are blown around in a big transparent PVC cylinder by five strong fans. Visitors can take place on the armchair in the middle of the whirlpool or observe from the outside one at a time. On the chair, in the eye of the storm it is
  • n0time -
    Computer technology promised to save us time and provide a renewed sense of community. Instead we are collectively suffering from information overflow and lack of time, and we have to reconsider the established notions of "community". When thinking
  • Sleeper -
    The core element of the “Sleeper” installation is a tapestry. Le Corbusier referred to it as a “portable form of mural”. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance these handwoven wall-hangings, in which the interweaving of threads forms not only the
  • Where are you from?_Stories / Version 09 Date: 2009 Materials: interactive media installation. Measurements: variable (black box) Other information: Group exhibition held at: Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 8th –
  • Hochrieser, Sabine and Franz Thalmair and Cont3xt.Net and Michael Kargl, ed. Curating Media/Net/Art: Circulating Contexts. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2007.