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  • Boca en la red es una videocreación El trabajo consiste en la proyección de una boca femenina que sonríe en un movimiento fluctuante. La escena está fragmentada en siete partes y cada una de ellas se mueve independientemente. Al observar la
  • Roaming -
    This experimentation starts from appropriation of small chips present inside those mobile phone charms that light up when a call comes in. In a panel, light is literally launched to the invisible radiation that comes from the mobiles and invades our
  • Freakpedia
    he restrictions that succeed the participation in collaborative systems in the cyberspace – specially through the Internet and the virtual encyclopedia Wikipedia – inspired the web art project Freakpedia developed by Edgar Franco and Fabio Oliveira
  • It is a serie of panels in subway stations with small radio frequency sensors, commonly used in cell-phone pendants, sold in trinket stores. Those sensors are lighted when they capture the use of cell phones. Via Invisível has been exhibited in
  • Parallel
    ParallelArtist: Carolina MontejoComment:
  • Era: Fragments of an evolving LandscapeArtist: Carolina MontejoComment:
  • German Lessons -
    German LessonsArtist: Dejan AtanackovicComment:
  • Lusitania -
    LusitaniaArtist: Dejan AtanackovicComment:
  • Golem -
    GolemArtist: Dejan AtanackovicComment:
  • Belgrade: Another GazeArtist: Dejan AtanackovicComment: