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  • William Kentridge -
    Though William Kentridge is one of the most compelling interdisciplinary artists of our time, five years ago he was largely unknown outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, where he was born in 1955 and continues to live today. There were many reasons
  • "Flatsun," 2011 Custom-made LED screen, computerized surveillance tracking system, fluid dynamic algorithms (Navier Stokes, fractal flames, reaction diffusion and Perlin noise), aluminium, stainless steel, glass 55.12" / 140 cm diameter 6.3" / 6
  • "Solar Equation," 2010 Aerostat, 5 HD projectors, 7 computers, custom software 14m / 48' balloon "Solar Equation" is a large-scale public art installation that consists of a faithful simulation of the Sun, 100 million times smaller than the real
  • Tessarae of Venus -
    Tesserae of Venus imagines a strange future through dynamic photomontages of energy-producing landscapes and related drawings. McPhee borrows from the tectonics of Venus-tesserae, or ‘complex ridged folds,’ in order to structure her images of
  • fünfnullplus -
    [English title, fivezeroplus] Light object Series 'Lichtbilder' The work 'fünfnullplus' from the series 'Lichtbilder' seems at first sight to be a monochrome painting. In the glossy, translucent body of the image, a vertical bar of white LEDs is
  • I am Sound -
    From Mission Base's Website: An interactive image/sound installation by Tamiko Thiel (image) and Christoph Reiserer (sound), 2016 "I am Sound" interweaves contemporary concerns with surveillance, face tracking and use of personal data into a
  • Oracle and doubts -
    Oracle and doubtsArtist: Nacho FradesComment:
  • Silver ShellArtist: Nacho FradesComment:
  • Rebecca -
    RebeccaArtist: Nacho FradesComment:
  • Relay -
    elay is a mobile app by Jihyun Kim, Terrence Fradet, and Andres Colubri. Users of this app can leave messages in augmented reality at locations in the city where “Relay” posters or signs are placed. New messages can be added to the existing ones, so