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  • ...Manovich, Lev and Andrea Zapp. Computerisation and Film Language In New Screen Media. Cinema/Art/Narrative, edited by Martin RieserLondon,...
  • ... is 26 feet tall and visitors can control it with a touch screen.
  • ... EMAF Osnabrueck; 2006 FILE RIO, Rio de Janeiro; 2007 Urban Screens, Cornerhouse Manchester; 2008 Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen;... Art in the Tunnel Düsseldorf; Video Vortex, MSU Zagreb; 2013 Share Prize Turin; 2014 + 2015 steirischer herbst Graz; 2015 NRW Forum...
  • ... filmed upon entering a room. They see "their" film on a large screen while there is a little coordinate system made out of rubber in...
  • ... by a computer into live visual images projected onto a screen rising from the body of the piano. The visuals respond to a...
  • Diadrama
    ... with over 2000 slides being projected onto a large wide screen by three pairs of synchronised slide projectors. The main...
  • ... Re-animation and the Re-casting of the Invisible In New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative, Band 1, edited by Martin Rieser...
  • ... viewable context. A video projector mounted behind the touch screen of the Panoramic Navigator outputs onto a 6 m diameter circular...
  • Continuum
    ... but is lost in the inky blackness of the background of the screen image. Continuum is a "mirror" that "reflects" things as both a...
  • PostPet -
    ... your e-mail friend has PostPet soft, your pet appears on his screen. As the pet grows up, he sends mails to you and your friend. A...