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  • Zafra, Remedios. Un Cuarto Propio Conectado. (Ciber)Espacio y (Auto)Gestión del Yo. Madrid, Spain: Fórcola, 2010.
  • ... molecular suprastructures at room temperature using mechanical forces to push molecules across surfaces, the discovery of single...
  • ... conflict and economic inequality is piling up, while globalized forces—largely enabled by the “progress” of digital information...
  • Extruder -
    ... number of automobiles that were made in 1947 (the year Henry Ford died) by the Ford motor company, an estimated 429,674. As you can...
  • ...Golsin, Mike and Jaquelyn Ford Morie. Virtopia: Emotional Experiences in Virtual Environments Leonardo 29 (1996): 95-100.
  • Ford, John J.. Soviet Cybernetics and International Development In The Social Impact of Cybernetics, edited by Charles DecherNew York: Simon...
  • ... as an interplay of technological, social, and artistic forces, as Mixed Realities of Art, Science and Technology. The design...
  • ... space and time. On the other hand, in the backdrop of creative forces hailing from different backgrounds, we hope to analyze what...
  • ...Event: Sustainable Cinema No. 1: The Image MillInstitution: Gerald R. Ford Presidential MuseumComment:
  • Primitive
    ... mainly by computers. Banz & Bowinkel draw focus on the iconical aspect of the Primitives and at the same time break with... the basic geometrical shapes such as cone, cube and cylinder forming landscapes and still lifes, today, those very shapes are basic...