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... includes an empty pedestal, a video camera, a computer system and a small video...
...The video work Pulsation presents pulsating light phenomena, the bodily and the technologically...
... Netherworld (Glacial Movements) The video for the track Orcinus Orca followed the...
A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très courts. 935 mètres de bande adopte un tempo saccadé qui suit à la lettre celui de la bande son,texte et
... artist. Hakola started working with video and performance at 1982, acting as a pioneer...
... function. An extract from a video gleaned on the Internet, with only the sound...
... was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix...
... audiovisual composition is inevitable. Video and sound materials of the composition were...
... the creative possibilities of film, video and computer technology in such a way that...
...ime Machine that is Landscape brings together sound, video and paint in unison to bring the sensorial...