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  • ...Grau, Oliver. Lembrem a phantasmagoria! Politica da ilusao do seculo XVIII e sua vida apos a morte multimedia In Arte, Ciencia e Tecnologia, edited by Diana Domingues, 239 - 260. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora UNESP, 2009.
  • AirportSim -
    ... simulation objects that define the airport layout and parameters, such as check-in counters, waiting areas, and security checkpoints. Simulation controls affect the simulation globally, including a terror alert level control that allows the...
  • ...enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the programmeCommissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • here to read the code >click here to launch the project >Please adjust your Java Security Settings for in order to launch the Programme.
  • ...NSA-USA takes as it point of departure the recent citizen spying scandal emanating from the activities of the National Security Agency. Both American and citizens outside the United States were surveilled and there is disagreement as to the whether Edward Snowden is a...
  • Garden Library -
    ... library located in a public park, established to serve the area’s refugee and migrant worker community. The library has no security guard who checks and asks questions, no walls and no door. The Garden Library has a unique emotion-based system where readers...
  • Prof. Dr. Diana Domingues is the founder and the Director of LART (Art and TechnoScience Research Laboratory, Brazil). She is a CNPq researcher PQ1 A at the National Research Board, Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, She actuates as a
  • ...Giving the first impression of a simple commodity sculpture "AutoGene" lures the viewer into a false sense of security which is then at the flick of a switch rapidly dispelled. The seemingly mundane umbrellas are transformed into magical animated objects. The circular...
  • The Library -
    ... creative approaches to navigation and wayfinding emerged as guiding themes as this project progressed. Photographs, secured with the cooperation of the Librarians and Archivists at Parliament Hill, became the texture files. Three stairways were...
  • Time Value -
    ... clock also displays real-time data to calculate the value of time: the duration of life, number of hours worked in the year, security index... The installation Time-Value takes the concept of n-value as it's starting point. "N-value" is a system set up by...