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  • Profilneurose -
    ... does not always reflect, what we want to see. But there are ways to find the self-portrait...
  • ... by the National Art Museum of China. She sees her transition into new media as a natural...
  • ... well over a half century of his work he sees continuity between drawing with his hand and...
  • ...She Who Sees The Unknown: Kabous, The Right Witness, and The Left WitnessArtist: Morehshin...
  • ...RADIANCE. She Who Sees The Unknown: Kabous, The Right Witness, and The Left Witness...
  • ... calming her down by explaining that she sees these colors because of the cones in her eyes...
  • ... used only in Virtual Reality. Nicholls sees this concept as being much wider and a...
  • Solid Landscapes -
    ... mined to produce commodities. The viewer sees from a bird's-eye perspective an image that...
  • Simon Biggs -
    ... and related media as his primary medium, seeing his work as 'occupying a space...
  • Taken -
    ... The image stream, provides a kind of seething chaos of activity that can be read both...