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  • CrypoMania -
    ...The exhibition’s title, Cryptomania, is a composite of the word Crypto, a technological trend that expresses the encryption of private...
  • BIOS -
    ... computer system started after turning it on. It is also the Greek word for ‘life’. In the four work groups shown in this exhibition,...
  • Greenhouse -
    ... of this work: “perceiving humanity and environment from numbers, words and actions." The artistic concept of this work is “calculation...
  • ... front nor back. Viewed from a certain angle, it reveals the French word “MOI“ [meaning “me”, or "myself"]; from another point of view one...
  • ... unknown in the incarnate - of selfhood in an eternally lasting word in silence. „Schmutziges Licht (LICHTPHON Art-Avant X)" is time,...
  • ... monitors the brain activity of a single user seeing a single word, an abstraction. Brain CLoud is where Human Intelligence talks to...
  • ... possibility to become “brain-workers”. Using no hands and no words, they gave a shape to human abstractions. Just by thinking[1], the...
  • EDEN Echigo-Tsumari -, all vegetal species can communicate with its environment. Instead of words they use different kinds of molecular emission. The...
  • ... of the world, and in the phantom field of illusions and words, in the digital world that tempts virtual reality, and in the...
  • ... – Platinium Certificate Award ?Best concept on the trilogy of the word “Culture-Territory-Identity”)...