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  • ... found on every consumer product to create an multi-user interface to an unruly virtual environment. The installation makes use...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... contiguous projections on three walls and the floor. The user interface is a near life-size wooden puppet that is formed like the...
    ... that transmit air and tactile impulses to the electronic interface. It triggers instantaneous flashes of lights that create...
    ... of light and sound, as well as the aesthetic elements of the interface. (Source: This...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... of linking with other data sources to a cross-media interface. The idea of our Virtual Book is based on different...
  • Petit Mal -
    ... of image material on a screen, the so called "graphical user interface". I am particularly interested in interaction which takes...
  • ... are based on digitally- processed radiological images of my brain activity while contemplating Duchamp’s Anemic Cinema, which was...
  • ...Video Videotape for one screen, 60 min., sound By using the own body as interface, the video work montréal2000 (created in the year 2000) gives...
  • ... of poetry. Within this perspective, the work operates as an Interface configuring a conversation model, a field of experiences. I...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... a bit to the right or left. That's about it. There’s no fancy interface to enter, no sophisticated movements or gestures to learn or...