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  • ... Fish Reality is an in process interactive installation of rolling robotic...
  • ... behaviour captured by sensors installed on the floor. Interfaces and...
  • Text Rain
    ...Text Rain is an interactive installation designed to blur the boundaries between...
  • ...The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized...
  • ...CAGEBIM is an installation where the visitor interacts. The visitor enters in the...
  • ...The installation proposes some poetic moments inside body’ landscapes using images... issues, or, evoking Couchot`s expression: Between trance and...
  • Grove
    ... movement, life and death. The installation comments the existence of...
  • Paragens
    ...Paragens is a video installation with three environments: Clareira, Eye and Wall.... full of electronic images, photographies, projections, reflected...
  • ...The installation comprises two environments. The first one is darker with light... towards the inert enlarged photographic images on the wall of the...
  • ...Multimedia installation with neon, recorder and cassette tape, repeating graphs of...