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  • Her Long Black Hair -
    ...Janet Cardiff's Her Long Black Hair is a 35-minute journey that begins at Central Park South and transforms an everyday stroll in the park...
  • ... 2009-2010 Series of photos, an elf-receiver, 1 Mac mini with net-access, 1 ISOPHONE PLS 320 / 400, 1 radial high tone beamer with... molecules Courtesy: Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag & N-solab The artist transforms atmospheric plasma live stream data into modulated...
  • ... installations. Computer, specific algorithm Courtesy: the artist This series of visual installations revolves around the...
  • Second Promenade -
    ... and describes aspects of Rousseaus work and life. The mediaartwork seems to be an essay, but Boissier describes also...
  • Feedback -
    ...Janet Cardiff's “Feedback” (2004) is an interactive sound piece that plays a Jimi Hendrix rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” when the... Weil and further expands the Hirshhorn's collection of art made with new and, or nontraditional media (:source...
  • Cabin fever -
    In Cabin Fever, Cardiff and Miller reference traditional museum displays by using the formal structure of the diorama to transport the viewer into a scene depicting a cabin set deep in the woods. The captivating soundtrack, draws the viewers into
  • ... happen - the human being is not born but is already on the Internet. However, this tension finds its solution in the title “get.real”,... the inside of pregnant women’s body, the womb on the screen the artist defines a cyberspace as exclusively maternal. The space “behind”...
  • particles (version 59), 2009 Autonomous audio kinetic installation The autonomous audio-kinetic installation consists of small... living particles (version 59), 2009 Autonomous audio kinetic installation The autonomous audio-kinetic installation consists of small...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... in a red dress walks out of a doorway towards you." (Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller) Janet Cardiff and George Bures... Files", it is initially the simulated presence of the two artists in their studio that seems to dominate as the primary level of...
  • Horizon -
    ... This installation was commissioned by Dundee Contemporary Arts for the exhibition, 'Timecode'. More info on Timecode here:...