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  • A chromatic clock that translates time into colors using 4 sine functions: one for each RGB color + black.
  • Using custom made circuits based on Arduino we create an intervention in the lighting systems of public spaces intending to alter the visitors' experiences of space and time, changing their apprehension of the surrounding environment and how they
  • ... from the collaborative practice of a group of scientists and artists who were involved in all stages from the preparatory stages,...
  • The cinematic floor -
    ...The cinematic floorArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • ... mHealth Enactive Affective Systems and Affective NarrativesArtist: Diana DominguesComment:
  • ... of the Arte e TecnoCiência Group, and also of Perfomers Visual artists , invited to participate and perform at the event. The group...
  • The installation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of sound and vision can be a trigger for embodied perception. A multitrack registration—for both sound and
  • „Sonic Antarctica“ features natural and industrial field recordings, sonifications and audifications of science data and interviews with weather and climate scientists. The areas recorded include: the „Dry Valleys“ (77°30’S 163°00’E) on the shore of
  • Two Women -
    "Two Women" consisted of one computer station, two light boxes (58.4 x 60.3 x 20.3 cm), and two boxes (95.25 x 71.1 x 30.5 cm) each with three images revolving in response either to a timing device located in the computer or to user key-press at the
  • Autobiography -
    "Autobiography" consisted of three light boxes and two computer stations. One computer displayed a Web site, which was created for "Autobiography". The other displayed the same material as the Web site, but provided a different way into these