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  • Cinema Lascado (Chipped Movie) is an going video project by Giselle Beiguelman. It portrays devasted urban landscapes, where elevated expressways produced social fractures in the cultural territory of the cities in which they were built. Till now it
  • URnotHere - video
    URnotHere is a machine to create cities that confronts the hyperlocative discourse of social media interfaces. It challenges us to create a new geography of nomadic territories on transitory maps. Moreover, the project aims to discuss the landscape
  • ... Never/Sometimes is a result of other projects by the artist, based on processing and Java scripts, and was recompiled and...
  • ... at GMD and KHM – Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. Their artistic interest was the invention of a digital work table for the design...
  • Suite For Mobile Tags -
    ... number. Each of these numbers is powered by a ringtone. Participants scan one of the displays containing a phone number encoded...
  • ... that refer to the respective award-winning work. Media artist Bill Seaman, who receives the main prize, finds his way around...
  • ERROR 404 502 410 -
    What do computer errors sound like? In our everyday use of computers error messages are communicated without sound. Most likely you are presented with matter-of-fact information like, “Server Error. The server has encountered a temporary error and
  • RGB -
    A self made computer program mixes three colors very slowly per random: Red, Green, Blue. Thats the reason why the color compositon is never the same and never repeats. The colors are projected onto the white areas of the picture. The RGB series
  • Dust -
    ... with kinetic camera. Since some months I am collecting dust particles on a pice of black plexiglass. Monthly, I photograph the...
  • ... to explore the installation. The observer becomes an active participant, whose full sensorium of vision, hearing, feeling, … is...