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  • ...Karsten Schmidt, also known as Toxi, is the director of Post Spectacular, the London-based design studio. At the heart of his practice lies the use of code as a creative tool and open-source technologies. Schmidt believes in building his own tools, and his work...
  • Make Out -
    Make Out Shadow Box 8 , 2009 "Make Out" is the eight piece in the Shadow Box series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows thousands of internet videos of couples looking at each other: as soon as
  • I Wanted to See All of the News From Today provides an immersive experience by amassing the front page of hundreds of newspapers from around the world and displaying these images within the screen space of a single webpage. Continuously gathering
  • Lagoglyph
    ...The Lagoglyphs are a series of artworks in different media in which Eduardo Kac creates a visual language and form of writing that he describes as "rabbitographic". The series references Kac's project GFP Bunny (2000)—also known as Alba, the green bunny—a genetically...
  • bit.code
    ...Julius Popp develops interdisciplinary works in which art and science converge. He trained as a photographer and studied at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. Popp has exhibited his work internationally. In 2003 he won the Robot Choice Award and in...
  • News/Reel
    ...NEWS and REEL (2005) were developed during an artist’s residency undertaken at the Media Archive for Central England (MACE), in September 2005. The residency was one of three organised as part Necessary Journeys, an Arts Council England programme that took its cue from...
  • Satellite Contact -
    Satellite Contact is a two-screen video portrait of the British National Archives (formerly known as the Public Records Office). Satellite Contact never touches the ground: it takes the viewer on an hour-long roller-coaster ride through the guts of
  • Cyclone -
    ...YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena: severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes. the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums. The project maps textual...
  • ... Models can function as representations of climate change beyond their original scientific contexts and purpose, i.e. as art media with expressive, conceptual and critical potential. The climate models used as the basis for the work described here, use...
  • die.txt -
    die.txt is a bio-engineered text editor. As the user types, individual words spawn outgrowths of alternative meanings and definitions. These metonyms are sucked from Wordnet, a lexical reference system developed by Princeton University.