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  • Digital Mudra -
    ... of universal relationships. (source: interactive performance entitled Biorhythm (1983). Participants, to test their own evaluation of their biorhythm condition...
  • Digital video 4 mins 20 secs colour, stereo sound by Jon Rose Inspired by the book of the same title by Gustave Flaubert. Here Anthony is every one of us, the temptation our capacity to change the world and reshape it, through technology, in
  • Sensity -
    ... installation and projected ie, making a display based on the net based interfaces using the data collected. 3. Sensity can be... Sensity is part of "The Emergent City" series of works by Stanza. Artworks monitoring the real time interactive city using wireless sensors....
  • Pandaemonium -
    Digital video 4 mins 38 secs colour, stereo sound by Ernst Oosterveld Inspired by Milton's "Paradise Lost". The video explores images and evocations of how the human race has reshaped its environment, often to its and the world's detriment
  • ... camera, robots and projectors. Contact. Stanza at Thanks to an AHRC creative fellowship and Goldsmiths digital... images in the gallery space. Prototype was tested in Plymouth arts centre 2008. INSTALLATION: Set up of drawing, camera, robots...
  • Nanocities -
    ...Title. "Nanocities": 2006-8. Digital generative artwork by Stanza. "Nanocities" creates paintings actioned by the interpretation of the code....
  • Digital video 2 mins 10 secs colour, stereo sound by Jon Rose A short work based on the ideas and suggestions of the violinist and composer Jon Rose. (source:
  • ... that the random is random? data.tron[8k enhanced version] is part of datamatics project, a series of experiments that explore such...
  • red fungus -
    Generative installation, stickers on the floor Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Courtesy: Blue Fungus (of which Red Fungus is a variation) belongs to the collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Red Fungus investigates the relation
  • ... a film from the producers of the Peabody-Award winning Art in the Twenty-First Century television series. The film gives...