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    Find your own Universal Health We are the only major pharma corporation to have emerged in the 21st century. We are corporate futurists. Our capabilities are unlimited. We are good. We and you and your health are one with the universe. We
  • Living Tattoos -
    Throughout human history, people have added to their bodies iconic shapes in a way to look for identity transcendence: from flowers, dragons, snakes and butterflies, to angels and other religious figures. The Living Tattoos project is centered in a
  • Dr. Jeffrey Huang is Associate Professor of Architecture, Digital Media and Information Technology at Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), and since 2003 also at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS). Huang's teaching focuses on the
  • Dolltalk -
    In order to give the child the impression that a character is listening to their stories, we have invented a clever mechanism that captures the motions and speech of a child using sensors and audio processing. Continuing in the vein of research on
  • In Conversation -
    A www/street intervention. When live and located, "In Conversation" provided the means for people in the street (or gallery), and users on the Internet to engage in a live dialogue with each other. The work aimed to examine the boundaries and social
  • Suspension
    Contemporary spaces are dynamic combinations of the real and the virtual. They are accessed, ordered, and navigated under the conditions of various online and offline protocols. These protocols include computer formats and settings, social codes and
  • HDH215 -
    This piece is about a personal memory from my hometown, the small city of Heidenheim in the rural south of Germany. My favourite intersection is located on Schnaitheimer Straße, at the top where the old customs office is situated. One day the
  • Urban Simulation -
    The Furp ("Future of Urban Planning") project exists as a first step toward disseminating the work undertaken in the Luminous Room project into the world at large. Specifically, we are engaged in a collaboration with MIT's Department of Urban
  • Wasserzaun -
    Sensor-controlled interactive water installation, customs clearance caravan tunnel Austrian–Slovenian border crossing, competition 1990, realization 1991 "The speed of the sinusoidal wave motion depends on the traffic density and the speed of the
  • Ryota Kuwakubo "R/V" -
    An affinity between humans and robots. Cute robots are equipped with monitoring screens reflecting participants faces. YCAM opens an exhibition of artist Ryota Kuwabuko's new installation "R/V". In this work, participants who use remote control