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  • Salter, Chris and Marije Baalman and Daniel Moody-Grigsby. Between Mapping, Sonification and Composition: Responsive Audio Environments in Live Performance In Proceedings for the 2007 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), edited by
  • Paul, Christiane. Neural Networks vs. Computer-Networked Environments. Cognition and Communication in Digital Art [21.10.2014].
    A symposium about responsive environments and new technologies being explored by contemporary sound and visual artists.
  • ARTEC 89 -
    The theme of the Biennale is 'the possibility for art and technology: high technology art as modern art, computers and artistic expression, high technology art as a means of expression, high technology art in urban environments'. It offered and
  • The aim of the events, in the context of Mediaterra 02, is to promote environments that advance communication and the universality of culture and to demarcate, record and project new standards of artistic expression and communication. (source:
  • StoryRooms -
    A group of internationally renowned media artists brings surreal, poetic and thought-provoking installation environments to Manchester, that invite you to explore the ways we now communicate with each other and with technology. (source:
  • Environments Reversal -
    Event: Environments ReversalInstitution: Camden Arts CentreComment:
  • Event: EGVE´00, Eurographics Workshop on Virtual EnvironmentsInstitution: CWI (The National Research Institut for Mathematics and Computer)Comment:
  • Environments -
    Event: EnvironmentsInstitution: RijksuniversiteitComment:
  • "Fusion02"
    Event on December 6, 2002 hosted by the Bauhaus-University/Weimar and the University of California/Los Angeles (UCLA,) with online participants from Australia, the USA, France, Belgium and Germany.