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  • ClearBoard -
    ...ClearBoard is designed to integrate interpersonal space and shared workspace seamlessly. A design goal of ClearBoard is to allow a pair of users...
  • Camerin Obscura -
    ... with a firewire video camera and sound speakers. The project works with Processing which reads the visual information -video real...
  • Marchtowar -
    ... gasoline cards, all proceeds went to humanitarian agencies working with civilian casualties. Several thousand dollars was raised,...
  • Time: color - video
    ... chromatic spectrum. This installation is part of a series of works in which I investigate the relationships between human notations...
  • ... As the new part of the Mechanics of Emotions series of works, E-SCAPE TODAY! proposes to play with this ambiguity between...
  • QUARXS 90S
    ... in Hong Kong under the theme “POST PiXEL.” showcased works of new media and installations by 8 leading and emerging artists...
  • The Meadow -
    ... be imagined. This space is particularly appropriate to artists working with new electronic technologies to bridge the gap between...
  • Park View Hotel -
    ... Microsystems Labs, where he was (as per the residency brief) working with SunSPOTs, small "programmable object technologies" which...
  • ... a parallel show of the “Border Diggers” exhibition presenting works by young artists from Nanjing University Art Institute and from the...
  • 4,24′ The video Inverse space works on two levels of microscopic observation: the first line of recordings shows the transformation of a...