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  • Babel - video
    BabelArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • Box I/II - video
    Box I/IIArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • Video installation [English title, 'co-distortion'] In the installation 'Co-Verzerrung', the classical game of anamorphosis is transmuted into its own readable universe by means of electronic media. The video projection on the floor shows a
  • COMBATscience -
    Multimedia environment with performative inserts 'COMBATscience' takes the life stories of the German scientist and Nobel Prize winner Friedrich Haber (1868–1934) and his wife, the chemist Clara Immerwahr (1870–1915), as motifs for the development
  • Der andere BeobachterArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • All Targets DefinedArtist: Ruth SchnellComment:
  • Disappearance #1, #2 -
    Light installation The unintentional glances of observers are one of the key factors in the artist's work with light sticks. For the exhibition Strom des Vergessens, terms related to the topic “remembering/forgetting” appeared briefly in the space
  • Video installation in public space Anamorphically distorted video projection with different points of view. The work was installed in the public space in Feldkirch (AT).
  • mission of art -
    Site-specific light installation The light installation 'mission of art' is a temporary intervention on the façade of the building of the Akademie der Künste [Academy of Arts] in Berlin, for the occasion of the opening of the Academy's new location
  • Floating Signs II -
    Three-part light installation Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'Floating Signs 2' features three light sticks, each consisting of a vertical bar of white flickering LEDs. For the viewer, the words and images seem to emerge from the bars,