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  • FishFace -
    FishFace is a gestural input device with proximal visual feedback. It detects motion using a "LazyFish" electric field module, and displays graphics on an array of LED's. The integration of the display and sensing creates the illusion that the
  • Ambient Fixtures -
    This project explores the use of physical fixtures and objects to display temporal information within an architectural space in a subtle and aesthetically pleasing way. Ambient Fixtures present and communicate information through their changes in
  • A-Positive -
    A-positive, a dialogical event created by Ed Bennett and myself, probes the delicate relationship between the human body and emerging new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these elements extract sensorial or
  • ... What is the condition of the art object in the age of networking and telematics? The piece entitled Dialogical Drawing, 1994, by Eduardo Kac,...
  • To explore the use of motion of physical objects to convey information and emotion, we have designed a series of Expressive Kinetic Objects. The Dyna-Lux is a kind of Expressive Kinetic Objects. The Dyna-Lux is a table lamp augmented with a
  • The I/O Bulb and the Luminous Room are the two central ideas in a project whose goal is the pervasive transformation of architectural space, so that every surface is rendered capable of displaying and collecting visual information. An I/O Bulb
  • mediaBlocks -
    The mediaBlocks project is a tangible user interface based upon small, electronically tagged wooden blocks. The blocks serve as physical icons ("phicons") for the containment, transport, and manipulation of online media. mediaBlocks interface with
  • ...Placed in the middle of the Center for Contemporary Art, the yellow canary was given a very large and comfortable cylindrical white cage, on top...
  • Tesão -
    ... group exhibition Brazil High-Tech (1986), a national videotext art gallery organized in Rio de Janeiro by Eduardo Kac and Flavio...
  • Recaos -
    When viewers logged on, the first saw the letter C on the lower right corner of the screen. The letter A appeared above the C, followed by a series of letters O moving upwards. This motion was against the default mode of the videotex medium, which