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  • Sacred Code -
    ... and the Koran, as seen through a digital lens. In this new artwork, Napier has created algorithms that read these three books bit...
  • London Dig
    ... in which the work is located, Allen and Overy's world headquarters in Spitalfields, City of London. The site of the building is an...
  • Torso
    ...A work using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The piece used two live computed image sources for two of the monitors, one prerecorded...
  • reWrite
    ...The focus of an artwork such as reWrite is identity. The work addresses this theme through the use of interactive systems, where the...
  • Microvenus -
    ... for alie communication. (source: Joe Davis concepted "Microvenus" explicitly as an artwork and living art. His aim is the investigation of possibilities of communication with...
  • Pulsate (Ear on the Wall)(2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Minako Takeno In a white room a table, chair and an ear hang on the walls. The lighting of the room wraps down from the ceiling and onto the vertical wall. These off-centered
  • ...My first project “Protrude, Flow used six electromagnets. But, the electromagnets occasionally prevented people from viewing the moving liquid.... called “Ferrofluid Sculpture.” This technique enables artists to create more dynamic sculptures with fluid materials. One...
  • Poetica Vaginal -
    ... proliferation of space junk. (source: In 1995, the organization ars astronautica held the first art exhibition in space onboard the MIR space station. It had no...
  • ...The "US Department of Art & Technology" is an artist-led, virtual government agency. The US DAT functions as a conduit between the arts and the...
  • "Narcissus' Well" is an interactive multimedia installation that investigates how we are absorbed in the ephemeral, the intangible, the invisible, and the faraway - the quest for self-knowledge mediated through technology. The installation employs a