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  • Mobile Unit - video
    MOBILE UNIT 2001 The basic goal of the Mobile Unit is to provide a fully-fledged networked multimedia environment, which can be set up in any space without a direct Internet connection. This environment should enable people to display, edit and
  • BIRLINGHOVEN CASTLE AI: IMAGE SYNTHESIS WITH CONNECTION MACHINE CM-5 In the early 1990s, AI image generation was an exciting field. At the GMD - National Research Center for Information Technology, we used the Thinking Machines’ CM-5, a parallel
  • Scenocosme (Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt) in collaboration with Lola and Yukao Meet (Lola Ajima & Yukao Nagemi) La maison sensible is an interactive installation that augments the physical space and the relationship between an onlooker
  • PointScreen - video
    PONTSCREEN : MINORITY REPORT STYLE INTERFACE 2003 PointScreen is an interface for touchless control of a screen. Inspired by the Theremin, the first electric musical instrument that can be played without touch, we have developed a digital technology
  • Between 0/1 - video
    Between 0 and 1: Numerical Dream or the Generative Transformation of Virtual Space (1988) "Between Zero and One" is created by changing the numerical values of geometric shapes such as a cube. This process generates an infinite variety of
  • Peep Hole -
    This work extends my investigation of shifts in spectatorship in the context of the digital. It seeks to bring a live social context to bear on acts of looking and being looked at that might more commonly occur through digital media. The work aims
  • The Fox -
    A live performance and ‘game’ interface, which sought to provoke and subvert audience experiences and expectations of power, pleasure and control in the interactive environment. This performance was developed in collaboration with Nuno Lacerdo in
  • Unlooping Film | Cinema sem VoltaArtist: Giselle BeiguelmanComment:
  • Beleza Convulsiva Tropical discute a tensão entre natureza e cultura, o informal e o formal, as situações de enfrentamento entre controle e descontrole que se emaranham à história cultural e urbana do Brasil. Aqui os trópicos são entendidos como uma
  • Hewlett-Packard Pool OfficeArtist: (collective) Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang StraussComment: