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  • A simple kinetic machine. the pages flip over continually. The red text reads: "These cloud capped towers, these gorgeous palaces..." (From the Prospero's epilogue, The Tempest, Wiliam Shakespeare.)
    Chronopolis consists of a 10 x 10 meter square floor-projected interface that visitors walk over. The computer generated interface displays days, hours, minutes and seconds grids over which four animated pictograms representing these time elements...
  • Salter, Chris and Erik Adigard. Chronopolis: Inhabiting Time Loudpaper Magazine (June 2004).
  • Chronoscape -
    The totem consists of a clock mechanism, a monitor, and hidden video camera. It is a symbolic representation or embodiment of the concept of time and serves as a reminder of its flow, the impermanence of life or the cyclical nature of existence....
  • Chronotopia is a dance theater re-imagining of the one of the oldest Indian epic poems: the Tamil epic Silappatikaram. Attakkalari's multi-media dance production is an episodical journey, which explores the movement of five performers through a...
  • Ciber@rt -
    Event: Ciber@rtInstitution: Festival Ciber@rtComment:
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ciberadão e a magia das cibercoisas pervasivas In In vivo, in vitro, in silício: ensaios sobre a relação entre arte, ciência, tecnologia e o sagrado, edited by Leila AMARAL and Amir GEIGER, 246-275. São Paulo: Attar, 2008.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ciberadão: vida pós-humana e complexidade digital nas práticas transdisciplinares em arte e ciência Polêmica 23 (2008).
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Ciberantropologia e CiberAdão: o produtor digital e a adaptação do aparato tecnológico para a co-existência em espaços cíbridos VII Reunião de Antropologia Mercosul (2007).