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  • Zero Noon
    Rafael Lozano-Hemmer "Zero Noon", 2013 computer, processing software, square HD display, electronic, metal enclosure 17 x 17 x 4" edition of 12 "Zero Noon" is a digital clock that shows the current time according to eccentric metrics: it uses
  • ... the ability and desire to experiment...
  • ... from the 4 shades of green of the...
  • For his 2007 work Machine for Taking Time (boul. St-Laurent), David Rokeby recorded thousands of images of the city of Montreal from identical points of view every day for a year. In Murmurscape (Montreal), letter-shaped fragments excised from this
  • For my 2007 work Machine for Taking Time (boul. St-Laurent), I recorded thousands of images of the city of Montreal from identical points of view every day for a year. In Murmurscape (Montreal), letter-shaped fragments excised from this archive of
  • Double Helix Swing -
    double helix swing is an installation which investigates the swarms of midges that can be found on the banks of lakes and other bodies of water. Swarms of midges are intriguing entities: without any apparent logic theyform at irregular intervals
  • ... develop their desires and visions with...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    The greenhouse converter is an apparatus for algae, water fleas and people. Water from a fountain, enriched with atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide, is pumped from beneath via an air supply into an aquarium. This feeds an algal culture
  • Fernfühler beleben den öffentlichen Raum und bringen Gestalt und Gestaltung in das Bewusstein der Öffentlichkeit. Fernfühler können auch spielen, da sie mit anderen Fernfühlern verbunden sind und diese (bzw. die Menschen, die auf ihnen sitzen) in
  • 598 -
    ... Art Landschaft des wahrgenommenen Bildes...