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  • Dinka Pignon is an interdisciplinary media artist working with spatial video installation and performance art. Her experimental practice is characterized by a strong affinity for the phenomenal, liminal, conceptual and minimal. Her work is situated
  • Dr. Maria Roussou is an Associate Professor (tenured) in Interactive Systems (i.e. Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Computer Games) at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • Fisher, Scott S.. Virtual Environments, Personal Simulation and Telepresence In Ars Electronica: Facing the Future, edited by Timothey DruckreyCambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 1999.
  • Gagnon, Jean. Dionysus and RGlobal: Immersion in Char Davies´s Environments In Char Davies: Ephémère, exhibition catalogue, Ottawa, CAN: 1998.
  • Zahorik, Pavel. Presence as Being-in-the-World Presence: Teleoperators and virtual Environments 7, no. 1 (February 1998): 78-89.
  • Dr. Manthos Santorineos (Athens Greece 1954) Digital media artist - researcher Emeritus professor at Athens School of Fine Arts Director of FournosLab Co-founder of the Fournos Multivalent Communication Network (1993) and the Mediaterra festival
  • Peter Weibel is an artist, theorist, musician, curator and educator. He is Director and CEO of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. Weibel developed an artistic practice on experimental literature and performance working in film, video,
  • Golsin, Mike and Jaquelyn Ford Morie. Virtopia: Emotional Experiences in Virtual Environments Leonardo 29 (1996): 95-100.
  • Huhtamo, Erkki. Time Machines in the Gallery: An Archeological Approach in Media Art In Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, edited by Mary Anne Moser and Douglas McLeod, 232-268. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.
  • Heeter, Carrie. Being There: The Subjective Experience of Presence Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (Fall 1992).