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  • I-Camera -
    I-Camera is a tool for automatic representations of spatial relationships among photos for reviewing and analyzing the structure of a photographic subject. Based on camera tracking, photos captured with I-Camera are shown in a 3D virtual reality
  • The Meadow -
    THE MEADOW explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the 'simulated' and the 'real' - a space to which artists are inevitably drawn. Ambiguity and irony also share this space, and it is here that new
  • "We Are Stardust" is a commissioned artwork by the Williamson Gallery at the Art Center College of Design, and the NASA Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The focus of the project is the Spitzer Space
  • decon -
    The project explores the use of biotechnology methods and materials as art media, for the development of paintings literally alive that deconstruct themselves while exhibited. In Decon, replicas of Piet Mondriaan’s geometric paintings were created
  • The museum is redesigning part of its exhibition space, Science Storms, a major new section , opens 18 March 2010. My work, String Waves, will be part of the new collection. Installation was completed in early December 2009. These images show
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    Net-Project The "Telematic Manifesto" is a participatory, collectively-generated Net Document that articulates a vision for the future of Telematic Art as a socio-cultural force in the 21st century. This project investigates Telematic Art as the
  • Kopernicus Center -
    Warsaw 2010. Brand new science centre opening in Warsaw, autumn 2010. The first science centre to open in Eastern Europe. Computer rendering: triple installation.
  • Tessel -
    Tessel is a kinetic installation investigating the perception of sound and space. Its name is derived from 'tessellation', a term applied to the geometric subdivision of a surface into plane units, also known as 'tiling'. It also describes a
  • (in)human sciences -
    “(In)human Sciences” was made for the exhibition Neterotopia, curated by Daniele Balit and Pierre Mertens. During March 2006, my work was displayed in the advertising space of the website of the french newspaper Libération. The exhibition was also
  • Study for a Mirror -
    The founding members of rAndom International: Hannes Koch (b. 1975, Germany), Florian Ortkrass (b. 1975, Germany) and Stuart Wood (b. 1980, UK) met while at Brunel University in 2002 and went on to study together at the Royal College of Art, London.