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  • Mori -
    In Mori, the immediacy of the telematic embrace between earth and visitor questions the authenticity of mediated experience in the context of chance, human fragility, and geological endurance. Mori engages the earth as a living medium. Minute
  • Located between the home video and the reality show the work (9 minutes) presents a Newyorker Christmas scene focusing on the commerce of toys , a thematic park at Macy´s magazine and the Christmas decoration of street display windows. The
  • ZENetic Computer is an interactive experience that evokes "self-awakening," a particular cognitive response to processing reality via subliminal consciousness. It uses stories portrayed in sumie (ink painting), haiku and kimono which display
  • Das FORSCHUNGSFLOSS - Institut für Kunst und Subjektive Wissenschaft wirft Anker im Flughafentower Tempelhof und präsentiert aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem "Fall-Labor". Das Augenmerk dieser hoch über dem Flugfeld angesiedelten Abteilung liegt auf der
  • The Book after the Book is a hypertextual and visual essay about cyberliterature and the net_reading/writing_condition. Its main focus is non-linear narratives, which reconfigure the literature/book relationship starting from the very notion of
  • Playhouse
    Janet Cardiff’s Playhouse [1997], a collaborative installation with George Bures Miller was first exhibited at the Barbara Weiss Gallery in Berlin. Playhouse combines sculpture, sound, video and performance in a fusion that experiments with
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Staging the Space of Mixed Reality - Reconsidering the Concept of a Multi-user Environment In Proceedings of VRML 99 - Fourth Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language, edited by Stephen N.
  • "(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System". String, hanging from the ceiling at 1/2 meter intervals, was used to establish the edges of the perceptual field of the system's camera and its shadows. The camera
  • Part of an emerging generation of new media artists, Shirley Shor employs technological processes in the service of larger issues related to human experience and fine art. Shor creates real-time computer generated installations, and environments
  • How are you? -
    “How are you?” is a question that seems so simple as it is understood in the West, since it is no more than an introduction to language or a sign of recognition. We do not really answer. In Russia, you do not ask the question unless you want a full