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  • ...Event: Cosmopolis, VR, Museography: Unshaping the City and the EmotionsInstitution: University of TongjiComment:
  • ...Casares, Nilo. público In Museología crítica y Arte contemporáneo, edited by Jesús-Pedro LorenteVol.1. , 10. Zaragoza, Spain: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2003.
  • ...Event: Museology seminarInstitution: IRI Centre PompidouComment:
  • ... Muffathalle in Munich , and Beall Center at UC Irvine, California, Walker Art Center, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Carnegie Museum, Andy Warhol Museum, New Museum, MuseoNacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires, Louvre in Paris, Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt,...
  • ...AL GRANO: Formas de pensar Mundos, 2014, solo exhibition (images above and below) at the Centro de Museos de la Universidad de Caldas, commissioned by the Festival de la Imagen 2014, in Manizales, Colombia. A seed of transgenic corn represents an explosive capsule that...
  • Muser's Service -
    Muser's ServiceArtist: Daniela Alina PleweComment:
  • T-wo.gen
    ... for other waters are continually flowing on. It is in changing that things find repose. (Wheelwright, 1968, p.29) Wheelwright muses: Permanence is but a relative term, his [Heraclitus’, emphasis Seaman] philosophy declares; and what we call permanent is...
  • Elastic Fax 1 -
    ...Elastic Fax I, created by Eduardo Kac, was realized at the Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1991. Artists worldwide were invited to transmit sequences of images to form a self-editing faxfilm. Sequences were added automatically in the order received....
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    ... exhibited [V]ote-auction [F]originals (CNN tape, Voteauction-Seals and legal Documents) in the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, The Premises Gallery Johannesburg, Museu d`Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Konsthall Malmoe, Kunsthaus Graz, Lentos Museum of...
  • Telescanfax - video
    ... more visible then the image itself. The first telescanfax images sent was to "Elasticfax" event organized by Eduardo Kac at Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro, the 13th August 1991.