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  • ... game world—reflecting the brain itself—is opened up, a sensual connection... complex social behaviours like language, culture or empathy. The... complex social behaviours like language, culture or empathy. The...
  • ... portal The English portal with database entries to...
  • ... of The Vienna Group, Art & Language, Surrealism as well as the... of The Vienna Group, Art & Language, Surrealism as well as the...
  • Laufende Projekte -
    ...Video installation [English title, Ongoing Projects] "The projection of a sequence...
  • Subtitled Public -
    ... The project exists in Spanish, English and French versions. ...
  • Simon Biggs -
    ... relationship with both the work itself (which is programmed to react to... and formal concerns with language and control towards more... and formal concerns with language and control towards more...
  • ... a round motorised platform in its centre, a computer and three video... around issues of place and language. Whilst the letters originate... around issues of place and language. Whilst the letters originate...
  • ... – but devoid of all color. Its austere black and white presentation... element the manipulation of languages, histories and codes (the... element the manipulation of languages, histories and codes (the...
  • ... News, Wirshafts Woche, CeBits Special Edition, 2000, selected by... and is at ease with Chinese, English, French and Japanese. Lin’s...
  • ... is an open source programming language and environment for creating... is an open source programming language and environment for creating...