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  • Pulse -
    ... computer. In these examples the user and the software is involved in a...
  • ... the two saunas position their users in almost identical physical...
  • -
    ... the Vancouver Art Gallery and show what is going on there in real-time.... around her in the net. The user can skip through the diary entries... The protagonist of Janet Cardiff's internet project, Laura,...
  • ... up or down the stairs being shown on the way. When arriving at any... wall in the foyer. Visitors may use a touch screen interface to...
  • EAT -
    ... it received an SFAI Spring Show Gold Award. EAT is a short... EAT is a short single-user experience, where the participant...
  • ... engine results returned to a user when the criteria, 'Please Help...
  • ... of the city where the work is shown). On the screen the viewer sees a... red/green 3-D, and the user interface, which is a handle from...
  • ... application offers the user a hyperlinked database that...
  • Marchive
    ... of the project is to give users an intuitive and creative...
  • ... shape of Mayan Glyphs that showcase the 'front end' of digital... bearing the same Maya glyphs used in the previous piece – but devoid...