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  • The Cybernetic Institute's Letter of Letters Manifesto Video and Text By Lila Moore Background The Cybernetic Institute's Letter of Letters Manifesto is the outcome of an auto-communication between the Cybernetic Institute and Seeker of True-files.
  • GFP Bunny -
    As a transgenic artist, I am not interested in the creation of genetic objects, but on the invention of transgenic social subjects. In other words, what is important is the completely integrated process of creating the bunny, bringing her to society
  • EZTV Media
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... life, thoroughly planned and with the greatest possible efficiency in mind. “Forced Leisure”...
  • ... to the techno-voyeur (via guards, protestors, exhibitionists and more). See video for...
  • The Re: Dakar Arts Festival project documents an ongoing art scam form. The scammers approach artists and galerists with open calls for a fake festival in Dakar, Senegal. To appear professional, they adopt different identities. To unveil their
  • 42-The Large Meteor T-R-A-P investigates the possibilities of calculating and steering a meteor safely down to Earth. On October 7th 2008 the first meteor ever to be predicted impacted in Sudan exactly on time. Many scientists are working on
  • Vehicle Safety Sensor -
    "We have built a low-cost ($10) 2.4 GHz Wireless safety sensor for vehicles. This transceiver and antenna mounted to the driver-side car door could prevent dangerous and costly traffic accidents or personal injury to bicyclists and other motor
  • Elevator's Music -
    The site-specific installation “Elevator’s Music”, visits the topic of synthetic creatures becoming sentient. What if centuries from now, we had the technology to make any machine self-aware? In this distant future, if an elevator could be
  • BioARTCAMP -
    BioARTCAMP is a two-week residency program at The Banff Centre directed by Dr. Jennifer Willet from The University of Windsor, Canada. BioARTCAMP is a hybrid workshop / conference / performance event where 20 national and international artists,