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  • The Adding Machine -
    ...Live Theatre Meets Virtual Reality On April 18, 1995 the University Theatre of the University of Kansas brought live theatre to cyberspace...
  • ... to the immaterial. The ferrofluid structures, which are in reality only a few centimeters in height, being transposed into a...
  • ... educator, focusing on human-computer interactivity and virtual reality environments.
  • ... technologies in transmedial affective interfaces and mixed reality settings. Her publications in peer-reviewed journals, such as...
  • 7.03 The video creates an entry into fictional reality, where objects are transformed into fleeting luminary apparitions – softened,...
  • ... Biennial. The Kasa Gallery show presented selected augmented reality Manifest.AR artworks that were also geolocated in the Giardini...
  • Mímesis -
    ...Virtual Reality Installation. Partially funded by an art grant of the Phonos Foundation, Barcelona, Spain. Developed at the Pompeu Fabra...
  • The Living Image -
    ...A major Virtual Reality installation, motion tracking technology, stereoscopic projection as well as interactive sound and video create a unique...
  • ...For this installation an augmented-reality apparatus was made where the viewer could rotate and tilt an optical system attached to a monitor, so...
  • ... interesting if one works within the realms of Virtual Reality (VR), where projections of three dimensional images and...