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  • ... Carson bridge. Carson was an American marine biologist, author, and...
  • ... tool, as well as articulating the future of creative potentials... Fulbright Distinguished American Scholar (Senior Technological...
  • Collision
    ...Islamic patterns and American quilts and the colours and geometry of flags as an...
  • ... digital photography, by manipulatingalgorithmicallythe creation of... PS1, MoMA inNew York City, the American Museum of Art, the Smithsonian... inthe Kohonen Self-Organizing map algorithm (SOM). The Kohonen SOM...
  • ...Sonya Rapoport was born in 1923 and is an American conceptual/digital artist and...
  • ... Board of Eyebeam; Board Member, American Friends Musée d’Orsay et de...
  • ... The internationally renowned American artistoriginally from Brazil...
  • ... Transformed Views of the American Landscape, edited by Rhonda...
  • ... Virtual Storyworld Scientific American 283, no. 5 (2000): 79-82.
  • ... to Seem Alive? Scientific American, 150th anniversary issue ...