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  • Boredomresearch. Real Snail Mail Slashdot Slashdot (Online) (June 2008).
  • Bio (short) Agam (A.) Andreas [Andreas Maria Jacobs - NL 1956] studied experimental physics and musicology at the University of Amsterdam NL (BSc. 1978), electronic and computer music at the State University Utrecht NL (1981) and holds a BSc. in
  • Exodus
    The Exodus Project was a "virtual tele-performance" during Ars Electronica 1995 and brainchild of Michael Bielicky, a Czech-German New Media artist determined to replicate the biblical trail of the prophet Moses. This site is the Net result of
  • The powerful social aspect of Sermon’s work is visualized in the site-specific installation A Body of Water (1999), created for the exhibition Connected Cities, which has an atmosphere that borders on the eerie. In a chroma-key room set up in
    The two-part video installation 'DO NOT CROSS' shows rides alongside border fences in the United States, Belfast and Jerusalem. The rides are presented as stop motion videos composed of single-panorama shots. The images are taken from a common
  • Biggs, Simon and Penny Travlou. Distributed Authorship and Creative Communities Dichtung Digital (online) 41 (2012).
  • "The quotations no longer refer to the correct authors. On the mock website, quotations are continually reordered randomly with different authors, spreading online misquotations as a form of liberation from the fixation on authorship. This explores
  • Penny, Simon. Moores Law, Systems Theory and the Aesthetics of Interactive Art Astrolabe Online Journal (1988).
  • Memopol I
    Memopol is a machine that maps the visitor’s information field. By inserting an identification document such as a national ID-card or passport into the machine, it starts collecting information about the visitor from (inter)national databases and
  • Cantoni, Rejane and Maria Teresa Santoro. Künstliches Leben: Frankensteins Nachkommen Dichtung Digital (online) (2002).