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  • Close Up - video
    "Close-up" is the third piece of the ShadowBox series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny videos of other people who have recently looked at the work.
  • Sengers, Phoebe. Schizophrenia and Narrative in Artificial Agents Leonardo 36, no. 4 (2002): 427-431.
  • Double Life -
    ... between what we’d like to do and what we have...
  • MK -
    Interactive computer with custom software, 3d input devices, stereo sunglasses, rear-projected screen, human actor. (source:
  • ... create, a dreamlike abstraction projected... The new work Nothing Remains the Same...
  • The Crystal Method -
    Interactive computer with custom software, 3d input devices, stereo sunglasses, rear-projected screen. (source: www.
  • Surface Drawing -
    Experiments in creating 3D shape with the hand, conducted with Peter Schröder at Caltech, 1997-2002. (source:
  • The Schkolne Number -
    The Schkolne Number is a dimensionless quantity representing the ratio of ones height to that of Steven Schkolne. (source:
  • The powerful social aspect of Sermon’s work is visualized in the site-specific installation A Body of Water (1999), created for the exhibition Connected Cities, which has an atmosphere that borders on the eerie. In a chroma-key room set up in