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  • ...REAL VIRTUALITYArtist: Tomas RullerComment:
  • ... waist cycle while offering mouth and eye candy to help the participant question the impact of their addictive consumerist behavior...
  • Flickering Signifiers is an ambient light installation concerned with the rhythmic nature of television light and how it is used to seduce and compel the viewer into a kind of hypnotic and passive inaction-while watching. Detection of movement has
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... Poetry Machine takes up his text and associates starting with his words. The flow of texts in the interplay between the...
  • Watchers
    "Watchers" are ambient light sculptures concerned with the rhythmic nature of television light and how it is used to seduce and compel the viewer into a kind of hypnotic and passive inaction. Detection of movement has been at the core of our
  • Digital Imaging -
    Digital Imaging by Ken Rinaldo My digital imaging works are abstract constructions that consist of scans of original items composited in Photoshop and textures and line brought in with Adobe Illustrator, Bryce 3D, and FormZ.
  • Text Rain
    ... text may be caught, lifted and released to fall again. If participants accumulate enough letters along their outstretched arms, or...
  • ... who that we hear the noice of the respiration and of the heart.
  • The Analog-Digital-Spiegel (programming by Reinhard Möller) shows how an analogue portrait (corresponding to sensory experience) changes into its digital (dismantled and computed) text base. A camera, which is integrated in the projection screen,
  • ... in neon, which generate sensations of living inside a heart.