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  • Universal Translator -
    Universal Translator is an interactive sound and video work focussed on the sound hardware of the human body. The interface for this work is a microphone with a micro video camera embedded in its head so that the camera looks directly at the
  • Watched and Measured -
    "Watched and Measured" is a system that observes, tracks and catalogues people walking through the new Wellcome Wing at the Science Museum in London, UK. It explores the some of the ethical questions surrounding surveillance systems: do they invade
  • Shock Absorber -
    ... is taken from broadcast television and separated it into two parts in real time. One part contains all the movements, edits and high...
  • simply
    Standalone portfolio
    ...Internet, helium balloon, 2 video projections, dig
  • ...Internet, digital carving Relics from the World Emotional Mapping Deflated emotional distorsions of the globe. The Frozen Feelings are...
  • felix
    ...felixArtist: Maurice BenayounComment:
  • ... the Palazzo Strozzi Seen as the world nervous system, the Net should now be the best way to know where pain and pleasure are... and now –seen at the exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi- an art installation turns the map of world emotions into a music score ...
  • Installation, sculptures, video (undone project) Video projections reflected by polished surfaces distorted by world's emotions Like the Frozen Feelings, the plates of aluminium are digitally carved on the model of world emotions maps.
  • This installation is asite-specific work in progress. A colour surveillance camera has been mounted outside the gallery on a computer controlled pan/tilt mechanism, allowing it to see most of the surrounding gardens. Every day since March 28, 2001,