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  • Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An installation using one monitor, one live computer feed (simulating in realtime the process of genetic recombinance), one rock with crystals growing over it and a tank with live fish.
  • Stills from a series of computer generated animations These works were produced using a home-built S-100 bus system employing asynchronous 8MHz/11MHz 8080/8088 (8 bit/16 bit) CPU's and Matrox video cards with home-developed digital to analogue
  • Computer Pieces 1981 -
    Digital video 20 mins, colour, silent A set of abstract computer animations based on recombinant geometries. (source:
  • Computer Pieces 1979 -
    Digital video 20 mins, colour, silent A set of abstract black and white realtime computer animations (source:
  • Pins -
    Pins generates dynamic three-dimensional geometries within a tabletop environment serving both as volumetric display and co-spatial input device. Our goal is to liberate otherwise static everyday objects and surfaces with intelligent materials that
  • Plant Sensors -
    Plants are very common in our world and and contain a vast amount of information. Although there are open debates about the intelligence of plants, it is undeniable that plants have a great ablity to sense and respond to their environment. The
  • Recombinant Icon -
    ...his work was made in response to Patrick Lichty's request for a web based artwork which would critically address the icon, an essential element...
  • Tristero -
    ... junk mail for it to be manipulated or variously treated by an artist. Four artists, Nick Crowe, Jacqueline Donachie, Michael Landy...
  • Echelon -
    ... of the work is currently disabled, but will be enabled by the artist at the appropriate time - the effect will be to flood the net...
  • ...Augmented Reality public art project, 4-channel video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of Lehel...