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  • Shrink -
    ...Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body (in this case the artist himself) vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces allows the person...
  • Nemo Observatorium -
    Styrofoam beads are blown around in a big transparent PVC cylinder by five strong fans. Visitors can take place on the armchair in the middle of the whirlpool or observe from the outside one at a time. On the chair, in the eye of the storm it is
  • Nevel -
    ... to wander and get lost in, like in a mutating city, to linger and surrender to the disorientation. Occasionally a video artist, musician, or even a mathematician is invited for a live intervention (Christophe de Boeck, Luis Recoder, Yukiko Shinosaki,...
  • Rope
    A rope slowly curls around a chair, caressing it carefully. As the speed increases, the torsion builds up and the rope becomes a strangling snake approaching it's pray and eventually the chair is violently tossed around. Although a computer
  • Changes of State -
    ... with the decorator and owner. At night we would take the switches out, to reduce the chances of the PWD (public works department, which is on the lookout for electrical violations) finding them. Pressing any of the buttons was technically a crime,...
  • ... in-situ, and their form was largely determined by the decorators and residents themselves. As you turn the crank, the lit part of the ring of lights moves, for example from the Kothari building onto the trees, or from one minaret to the next. Changing the...
  • The Savant Guard -
    ...The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself and Christina Ulke,...
  • Windscreen -
    ... much technology was wilfuly discarded, and replaced with a single force - the wind Wind has a checkered history in the arts, Kinetic art and wind-driven "yardart" being well known examples. In the "media arts', it has been intremittenty used, most...
  • Tollen
    ...In an arena of about 6m by 10m the artist puts a number of spinning tops in motion. He attempts to drive them as a kind of flock or lets them interact as a kind of self-sustaining system. They move in unpredictable ways, sometimes careful and hesitating, sometimes...
  • Transporter -
    2 conveyor belts of about 13m long are set up next to each other and running in opposite directions. People can lay down on them to be transported very slowly. Hidden under the surface an invisible mechanism produces a subtle yet intense tactile